e-Court aims to provide competent, affordable, transparent, secure and speedy justice for everyone.
e-Court also provides an uniform litigation system throughout China, the USA, Canada and other countries without the need to understand the peculiarities existing in each area's legislative
Benefits : ( Further info :
FAQ and Other )
Labor disputes and other civil disputes between
businesses and/or individuals can be submitted to a real Internet court. The new private court, which is called e-Court, guarantees ruling within six weeks after notification of the case.
The verdict of e-Court is based on contract principles ( e.g. binding arbitration ). View also a legally binding verdict. e-Court cases take no more than six weeks
(excluding any appeal of four weeks). This makes the process to cost much less than ordinary courts, which to obtain a ruling in Canada take on average between 70-90 weeks. Moreover, private individuals and businesses agree upfront with their attorneys the maximum period in advance and total costs. This will ensure that e-Court does not result in financial surprises.
such as: United
Kingdom, Netherlands, Denmark, France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Canada, United States, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, India, China, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Indonesia, South Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan
Why use e-Court to solve your disputes ?

Online Dispute Resolution: Challenges-Contemporary Justice
source : Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, Thomas Schultz

In a world governed by speed, the Internet plays a growing role in many of today's innovations, and the resolution of disputes using electronic means of communication may soon be part of everyday legal practice. This book offers a survey of the current state of play in online dispute resolution, from the methods and information technology currently in use to the range of regulatory solutions proposed by shareholders. Taking their analysis a step further, the authors also address this new field's most pressing issues, including possible amendments of existing legislation, treaties, and arbitration and other ADR rules. Online Dispute Resolution: Challenges for Contemporary Justice is an in-depth study of online dispute resolution today, discussing among other topics:
This book also covers issues related to security and e-commerce in general. As a special feature, it contains a section on existing online dispute resolution providers, complete with interviews and statistics.
Online Dispute Resolution: Challenges for Contemporary Justice is a significant resource for legal counsel, to arbitral institutions, ODR and ADR service providers, governments and governmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as to those with a more academic interest. This book will provide a greater understanding of online dispute resolution to persons in the fields of arbitration and ADR, e-commerce, intellectual property, civil procedure, international law, international trade and commerce, and information technology.
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Endorsements ( 1/2000 + ):
- Patricia M. Swerhone
Waters and Associates, Barristers & Solicitors, Toronto - Kenneth J. Byrne
Immigration and Real Estate Lawyer at Benson Buffett, Newfoundland And Labrador - Justice Clark
Partner at Simmons Da Silva + Sinton LLP, Toronto - Stanley Potter
Owner, Stanley J. Potter, Barrister & Solicitor, Toronto - Tony Lafazanis
Personal injury lawyer at Tony Lafazanis, Toronto, - Anushika Anthony
Personal Injury Lawyers, Toronto - Vincent Middleton
Managing Partner at Greystone DeSalle Consulting Group - Joseph W.J. F.
General counsel at Law Office, New Brunswick, Canada - Diana McGuire
Foord and Davies Law Firm, Ottawa - James A. Carr
Barrister and Solicitor at Carr Quinn King, Edmonton - ( Endorsements continued.....)